How to Buy 50-50 Tickets

Open your favorite browser,
For example open Windows 10 Edge,
type in the URL window the following,,
the lock at the front of the URL indicates a secure website,

On the homepage is the 5-0-50 raffle poster
click the red button that states ‘click here’ to begin the “ticket purchase” process!,
allow the geo locator to verify you are in BC,
begin the purchase by entering your data in each of the fields,
ensure your email address is entered – a copy of your tickets will be emailed to this address,
check the age and regulatory verification boxes,
submit to enter your credit card information,
submit to complete the purchase.
You may buy as many tickets as you wish – just one or several books!
Results will be available at this web site.
Thank you for supporting this appeal – Knights of Columbus BC
Best wishes.