Sts. Peter and Paul, Vancouver/Vancouver Council 1081 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Vancouver/St. Alphonsus Liguori Council 3821 St. Francis of Assisi, Vancouver/Fr. Peter McGuire Council 4615 Immaculate Conception, Vancouver/Point Grey Council 5402 St. Augustine’s, Vancouver/Leo Sweeny Council 8319 Corpus Christi, Vancouver/Corpus Christi Council 8535 Holy Name of Jesus, Vancouver/Holy Name of Jesus Council 8712 St. Joseph, Vancouver/St. Joseph Council 9479 St. Jude’s, Vancouver/St. Jude’s Council 9998 St. Francis Xavier, Vancouver/St. Francis Xavier Council 10500 St. Patrick’s, Vancouver/St. Patrick’s Council 11748 St. Mary’s, Vancouver/St. Mary’s Council 13072 St. Mark’s UBC, Vancouver/St. Mark’s College Council 13101 St. Andrew’s, Vancouver/St. Andrew’s Council 13288 St. Casimir, Vancouver/Pope John Paul II Council 14459 Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver/Holy Rosary Cathedral Council 14652 Our Lady of Fatima, Vancouver/Guardian Angels Council 14723 St. Anthony of Padua, Vancouver/St. Anthony of Padua Council 14925 Our Lady of Sorrows, Vancouver/Our Lady of Sorrows Council 15564 Holy Family, Vancouver/Father Kenneth Walker Council 16076 Our Lady of Fatima (Portuguese), Vancouver/Blessed Scalabrini Council 16257 St. John the Apostle, Vancouver/St. John the Apostle Council 16692 Blessed Sacrament, Vancouver/Blessed Sacrament Council 18018